That's right--nearly a decade after Amanda Gulla won Best Animation at the 2014 Greenfield Youth Film Festival, she's decided to put all that training to use.
Unwound: Beyond the Labyrinth will be receiving the animatic treatment, like its predecessors Hamilton, Heathers, Dear Evan Hansen, and Be More Chill. But unlike those other musicals, whose fans are the ones drawing and uploading these short animations to Youtube, Unwound is doing it in house, with a team of designers and a full cast of voice actors, who are also lending their voices to the companion Album that will be released alongside the videos.
What is an Animatic?
Animatics are the bridge between concept sketches and fully fleshed out animation. While they may contain fluid sections, they are mostly black and white storyboards set to an audio track as a way of conveying the story. Animatics have become a popular way over the last decade to experience the plot of a musical for those who cannot get a ticket or for whom slime tutorials aren't enough. The possibilities animation affords also means many see these as a proof of concept for turning musicals not into live action movies, but animated ones.
How Many are we Making?
Good question! That will depend on how much time, energy, and resources we have. At the moment, we can guarantee that one 25 minute animatic will emerge on our Youtube channel sometime in summer 2023. We have 4 more episodes planned out, encapsulating the entirety of the 2 hour musical, but we don't want to put the cart before the horse. This is an indie passion project, and most of us have at least one day job to keep the lights on and the student loans at bay.
How You Can Help!
We will be launching an Indiegogo Fundraiser in December which will be used exclusively to pay all 20 artists involved in the making of this project. As we hit different milestones, we will be able to more effectively evaluate the interest of our audience and the inertia of our creative energy. The work will not have a paywall, and it will be up on Youtube permanently. So truly, the best way to help is to donate, to watch our content and interact with it in ways that make the algorithms happy, and to share it with others.
I can't wait to see what happens next. - Amanda G